DTV: Digital TV system refers to a TV system that uses digital technology in all aspects from studio program production to transmission, storage, transmission, reception, and display. Digital TV is a large system. A complete digital TV system includes the generation, processing, transmission, reception and reproduction of digital TV signals.Digital TV aims to solve the disadvantages of analog TV. Up to 2023, many countries get rid of using analog TV. The Analog signal is not stable. In analog communication, to improve the signal-to-noise ratio, it is necessary to amplify the attenuated transmission signal on time during the signal transmission process, and the noise inevitably added during the transmission process is also amplified simultaneously. As the transmission distance increases, the accumulation of noise increases, leading to a severe transmission quality. With the usage of digital signals, this problem will be solved. In addition, the digital signal is unified, and customers do not need to worry about regulating NTSC, PAL, and SCEAM. However, some TVs can receive and read analog and digital signals simultaneously.